Call for Abstracts (closed)

Please find below detailed instructions for submitting symposia proposals and abstracts for both oral and poster presentations, along with information on applying for the Young Investigator Award (YIA).

You can upload your submissions through external page Conftool until 24 November 2023, 23:59 (no extension foreseen). Decision on acceptance will be communicated latest by 16 December 2023.

All abstracts shall be submitted in English language. Abstracts will be published (as submitted) in the online journal: Current Issues in Sport Science (external page CISS) unless otherwise indicated during the upload process.  


Symposia consist of three presentations (10 min presentation & 5 min discussion). Please submit a brief overarching statement on the objective of the symposium and the context of the separate contributions (max. 200 words, no references) and three separate abstracts (max. 500 words, including references).

Please prepare all necessary information for upload via Conftool on this template:Download (DOCX, 41 KB)

Oral & Poster Presentations

Abstracts for oral and poster presentation are submitted upon preferred mode of presentation.

Oral presentations will include 10 min presentation & 5 min discussion. Accepted abstracts will be grouped to thematic Oral Presentations sessions by the program committee. Some abstracts might, however, need to be assigned to posters.

Poster presentations will include 3 min presentation & 7 min discussion (at the poster). All accepted abstracts will be scheduled to Poster Discussion sessions.

Please prepare all necessary information for upload via Conftool on this template:Download (DOCX, 32 KB)

Young Investigator Award

Candidates who wish to apply for the Young Investigator Award (YIA) submit a more detailed abstract of their research work (max. 1'500 words, incl. references).

The top five applicants will present their work orally within the YIA Finalists' Presentations session. The winners of the YIA (1st to 3rd placed) will receive a cash prize.

The following restrictions apply for applicants.

The applicant must

  • be first author
  • not have completed his/her doctoral degree at the time of the conference
  • not be a previous SGS YIA winner (1st-3rd place)
  • work for a Swiss institution or be a Swiss citizen.

All YIA applicants who are not selected for the final round will automatically participate in the review process of the abstracts for oral presentations. Accepted submissions will be required to upload a shorter abstract if the author wishes the abstract to be published in CISS.

Please prepare all necessary information for upload via Conftool on this template:Download (DOCX, 37 KB)